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Live as yourself.🌹
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Eduard you're such a sweetheart !i'm crying 😭 ❤️‍🔥🚀🧜🏼‍♀️🌊
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Each choice is a door, not a destination. Embrace the unknown. Expand your vision. Only then do we author our true endings.🌹
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📶 2 comments • 22,222 est. $enjoy tips
❤️‍🔥good quote🧜🏼‍♀️🌊🫧🍀
Keep moving forward · 👓 🔵 · 22222 $Enjoy
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“We are born alone and die alone… Why should I give a damn about anyone else?” It's true, absolutely true. When we come into this world, we arrive alone, and when we leave it, we depart alone. But let me ask you a question:

What stands between the moment you arrive and the moment you leave? Life. And what is life full of? People.

While it's true that we enter and leave this world alone, the journey in between is filled with relationships and interactions. We encounter countless individuals who shape our experiences, teach us lessons, and contribute to our growth. Think about the friends who support us, the family who loves us, the strangers who show us kindness. These connections are the essence of life.

While we shouldn't let others' negative opinions harm us, we also shouldn't completely disregard them. Life is not just about "I"—it's about "us." We are all part of the same narrative. Some of us come and go sooner or later than others, but our lives inevitably intersect.

Imagine if we all chose to be more understanding, kinder, and more empathetic. If we looked beyond our own needs and considered the collective good, we could create a more harmonious world. It’s about us, not just about them. Reflect on this: as much as we strive for a better “I,” it is only through our collective effort that our aspirations can become a reality.

Let’s choose to be kind, to listen, and to support one another. Let’s build a community where empathy and compassion are at the forefront.

While we may be born and die alone, it is the connections we make that truly define our lives.


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📶 2 comments • 33,333 est. $enjoy tips
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💙 · 👓 🔵 · 33333 $Enjoy
♡⸜(ˆᗜˆ˵ )⸝
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Listen to your heart more.

There isn’t and will never be an element that will lead you astray aside from your heart.

Delve deeper within your soul. Allow yourself to disconnect from the world around you, from all the influences that guide you towards paths not aligned with your true desires.

Start listening more to your heart. Don’t get discouraged if what it says doesn’t manifest as quickly as you wish.

It has its own way, but eventually, everything will align, and the right path for you will become clear.

心の声に耳を傾ける 🌹
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📶 3 comments • 22,222 est. $enjoy tips
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Search not around the tank for holy water little fish. You already swim i it. just breathe!
💙 · 👓 🔵 · 22222 $Enjoy
My heart is my guidance. Thank you for this beautiful work.
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While in the process of creating this piece, my initial intention was singular, but upon reaching its completion, I found myself overwhelmed with a myriad of significances. It made me realize the multitude of facets of myself that I could see reflected within it. Yet, the underlying purpose remained unchanged. Through “Saudade” I aimed to create a piece that encourages the appreciation of individuality.

The man portrayed in the artwork has lived a life marked by sorrow and pain. Not because it was predetermined, but because he chose it. He sought to conform to societal expectations, yearning to fit in and be like and liked by others. However, in doing so, he sacrificed his own happiness and success, opting for sorrow over joy and defeat over triumph. While conformity may seem like the path to contentment, it is a fleeting illusion, one that fails to satisfy the soul.

My hope is that this piece serves as a poignant reminder for both myself and others. May it prompt us to embrace our uniqueness and authenticity, allowing ourselves to be who and what we truly are. May it inspire us to take control of our own narratives, becoming the authors of our stories rather than mere characters within them. May it serve as a poignant reminder to:

“Embrace your uniqueness, for in trying to conform, you risk defeat. To deny your true self is to surrender to a life of discontent.”

Otherwise, we risk embodying the essence of “Saudade” ourselves...🌹
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📶 2 comments • 777 est. $enjoy tips
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777 $ENJOY
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"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself." - Coco Chanel
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Like the combination of image and description · 👓 🔵
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Infinite Reach

An ode to the boundless potential of open-mindedness and humility. As the hand stretches towards the horizon, it symbolizes our willingness to transcend limitations and embrace the vastness of possibility. This piece reminds us of the interconnectedness of all things and the humbling truth that our perspectives are but a fragment of the greater whole. Through humility, we find the courage to explore, learn, and grow, embracing diversity and the beauty of the unknown.
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Compelling image and title paired with a superb description · 👓 🔵
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