✎ 20 15 7 NEW COMMENTS
0:24 720x720 2.1MB View on Zora

Asteroid Base

I proposed "Asteroid Base" as a theme for BasePaint Day #331. As it didn't get enough votes I now built my asteroid base as a new Procrastination.
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📶 1 comment • 234,138 est. $enjoy tips
234138 $ENJOY
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0:32 1200x1200 12MB View on Zora

Pepe on Vacation 1

Inspired by BasePaint's Day #317: "Pepe goes on Vacation"..

I tried to imagine how the photographer tourist Pepe I added to the BasePaint canvas actually spends its time on his vacation. This is the first thing that came to my mind. Will we see Pepe in other locations as well? 👀
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📶 4 comments • 300,000 est. $enjoy tips
Beautiful scenery!
love these dots

300,000 $enjoy
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0:45 660x800 4.9MB View on Zora


Fck around.. and find out 👹

My entry to dailyjam.xyz Day 1: "Portal", but with sound.

Daily Jam's themes are synced with BasePaint's themes so the palette used is the one from BasePaint #316: "Portal".
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📶 4 comments • 511,362 est. $enjoy tips
Now this is a portal! 211362 $ENJOY
Great animation and sound Dzee, 300,000 $enjoy
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1:05 1536x992 16MB View on Zora

Extraterrestrial Paradise Biom

Pixelart sketch using the palette of BasePaint day #303.

Music AI generated through udio.
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Yurts, ohh my national ancestral home
Love this! 💙
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0:42 1200x800 5.3MB View on Zora

Ice Cream in the Back Seat

Audiovisual containing my contributions to BasePaint Day #47: Ice Cream Party and BasePaint Day #69: Beach. Enjoy!
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📶 1 comment
I 💙 Basepaint
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0:26 800x800 913KB View on Zora

Lost Sunday

Audiovisual containing all my contributions to BasePaint Day #261: Minimalism.
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📶 1 comment • 273,728 est. $enjoy tips
abs love basepaint remixes like this. great job DZ

273,728 $enjoy
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864x1040 7 colors 287KB     

GM Frens

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📶 2 comments • 100 est. $enjoy tips
Gm 🐸💙
100 $enjoy
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