I think of SCENES as performance art; a long-form album release party

Instead of a raucous celebration
in a local venue
over a few hours,
for supporters to hear the music
see each other (literally)
and share in real time;

SCENES is a thoughtful dialogue
online & onchain
over a few months,
for supporters to hear the music
see each other (metaphorically)
and share asynchronously.

Each prompt in SCENES created space
for listening, introspection, vulnerability, and reflection
on each individual's own terms, their own place, their own time.

The cumulative wave of each SCENE,
Jamie hand-editing each submission into the greater body of work onchain;
is in stark contrast to dry Play & Like counts,
metrics of a marketing campaign pitting algorithms vs algorithms.

When I browse through the [SCENES galleries](scenes.soundoffractures.com/scenes),
it is something new - something different.
It's a glimpse of a new native form of music online & onchain that is
conversational, emotional, durable.
