Since HEN was unplugged and morphed, nothing was the same anymore. The NFT space went boring, hyper commodified and sterile for a long time but Zora injected that lost exciting vibe straight back into the space ❤️ I am minting this because I was searching for something completely unrelated and then this lil gem popped up. Perhaps is the universe responding to the fact that I had been banging on about Zora very enthusiastically. I haven’t felt this excited since HEN. What Zora is doing has really rekindled my flame for Web3 spaces. I’m so happy to be back ❤️ I wish I could tag everyone on here. Hopefully soon!
for context, I used to record these videos of my collecting sprees, tag everyone, and watch the post become a party, people getting to know each others works, make new friends, such cute times. This screen recording is from Oct 12th, 2021. You can see Kosha, Klaus Jorres, Coco Magnusson, The Okina, Tir3d and the flowers don’t show the artist name being scrolled. Im so nostalgic rn omg. Such happy days ❤️
