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That was a tough night, man. Until the day, I can remember everything. EVERYTHING. It's part disgusting, part amazing. I was hanging out with a couple of friends after closing the Candy Shop for the day, Ronald was there, and it was all his fault. He had those mushrooms. He dropped 'em in the stew. The stew that I was cooking.
He is a cool man, but damn, I wasn't prepared for that one. What a hell of a trip it was. At first, we were all chilling in front of the fire, admiring, contemplating the flames, trying to figure out if they were telling things to us, showing us our future, or just being flames. All of them seemed to be right, and wrong at the same time. I don't know, it's hard to explain. Then, I looked up and seeked for Ronald, because I had a response from the flames, and when I made eye contact with him, he was already standing up, along with Dokr'aghr and Pachaca looking right into my soul, deep down there, dipping their lives into mine, sharing all their thoughts and intelligence with me. And we all were sharing those kind of things with eachother... or that's what I tought. I mean, that was my first impression. But then they said something like they HAD to give Me their essence. Their everything. It was me all the time, and will be all the way. That, when they, with total synchronicity, telepathically transmitted those thoughts to me, it made me laugh. But no laugh were there from the other side. And, from 0 to 100, I got FUCKING scared. I couldn't do anything about it. I just percieved them as hairy giants wanting desperately my blood and guts, and to chew my bones. And I fucking ran. I ran tons of kilometers, I ran and jumped and crawled, and then I could find a place to hide. I was trying to catch my breath when I heard a vibration. A fucking HARD vibration. It was black, huge, like a mumbling giant. Everything seemed to boil, but nothing hurted.
It made me leave my hiding place. To find what?
RONALD and PACHACA FUCKING FLYING. They were like merged, and behind them, a fucking oval, just like oblivion. Just like a void. I felt a crack opening in my forehead. And then, they calmed down. We made our way through the night, and woke up in my cabin like 2 days after.
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thas plum wild innit
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Mint and comment for free trippy experience
awesomee, trip lets trippp
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