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Dan Romero and Erik Torenberg discuss what is exciting in Crypto right now, covering friend.tech, Farcaster’s updates, PWAs, superchain 2a, and infrastructure improvements for more use cases. If you’re building a business and need compliance for SOC 2, ISO 27001, GDPR or HIPAA, head to www.vanta.com/zen for $1000 off.

Moment of Zen is part of the Turpentine podcast network. Learn more: www.turpentine.co

(00:00:00) Episode Preview
(00:01:36) How Dan is building Farcaster
(00:02:39) Using Ethereum is expensive
(00:04:14) Crypto and climate change
(00:05:38) Moving Farcaster over to the L2 (layer 2) Ethereum ecosystem
(00:06:50) Dan's goal to abstract away the complexity of crypto
(00:07:49) Dan's take on the buzzy new friend.tech
(00:12:27) Friend.tech's smart use of a PWA + impressive growth
(00:16:51) Sponsors: Vanta and Netsuite
(00:19:11) Coinbase has its own blockchain now
(00:20:23) Debating the crypto has no use case critique
(00:23:47) Are SPACs worse than Crypto's scammy retail stuff
(00:26:21) Chamath and accountability
(00:32:24) How will crypto get to a billion users?
(00:41:11) The case for Farcaster and the future of social media
(00:49:55) Where will the influential parts of crypto Twitter go?
(00:54:25) How much value can be captured by subscaled social networks?
(00:58:51) Why we'll see startups move away from venture-backed business models
(01:00:24) Billionaires that dominate niches
(01:01:26) Most successful media company of the past decade
(01:05:59) Crypto's regulations are a gray cloud over financial innovation
(01:10:08) Opportunities to expand upside for people, from businesses to UBI
(01:11:12) Crypto is not politicized
(01:16:40) Genetics and IQ
(01:26:04) The Sam Harris + Ezra Klein Charles Murray debate
(01:34:48) Why this is the next major culture war issue

—Upstream w/ Erik Torenberg ft. Sam Harris: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRq-Z2rGXXY
—Upstream with Erik Torenberg ft. Ezra Klein: www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1vBO8SYvto

Farcaster: www.farcaster.xyz/
friend tech: friend.tech
Vox debate and article: www.vox.com/2018/4/9/17210248/sam-harris-ezra-klein-charles-murray-transcript-podcast and www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/3/27/15695060/sam-harris-charles-murray-race-iq-forbidden-knowledge-podcast-bell-curve

X / Twitter
@dwr (Dan)
@eriktorenberg (Erik)

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