This quote from Danica Swanson (@danicaswanson at Farcaster) is the first quote in our new collection, PMVPC. The acronym stands for Polytheistic Monasticism: Voices from Pagan Cloisters, a first-of-its-kind anthology from the emerging Pagan monastic movement. The quote appears in Danica's essay, Of Hearth and Shadow: A Contemplative Norse Polytheist and a Fledgling Animist Sanctuary.
Lovely design. Thank you for creating art to highlight my words from the essay. Here's hoping one day there will be more anthologies featuring stories written by aspiring and practicing monastics in minority religious contexts. 218179 $ENJOY
Besides that essay, Danica also has one interview of a fellow polytheist monastic in the anthology. For more info, visit the publisher's page:
Learn more about the Sanctuary's monastic rule here:
See our first multimedia quote, You Are Not Alone:
5000 $enjoy