I'm starting to understand reality as a sort of n-dimensional tug of war game. As a human, every choice you make influences reality in some way, pulling your end of the rope in the direction of whatever your desired state of reality is.

The center of the rope is constantly shifting for as long as we exist; there is no winner, just an ongoing state that is always changing.

Some people are deliberate about playing this game well. They accumulate resources like capital, distribution, and talent, which create leverage that allows them to strengthen their position and have more influence over the direction of the game. Often, people with aligned worldviews team up to combine their strength together. Many people reject the idea of actively playing the game at all.

Reality is a competition of worldviews, with different actors imposing different strategies to strengthen their position. It could be something as big as starting a company, or as small as complimenting a stranger on the street. But the larger competition will always exist.
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