Feeling an interesting dissonance this weekend. In real life I'm around my family spending the holidays, eating good food and playing games and generally having a "merry" Christmas. On Twitter the ETH and SOL maxis seem to be engaged in some sort of tribal narrative warfare. And on Farcaster things seem pretty chill and positive for the most part.

Both the first and the last are the way they are because of their scale, which is relatively small and somewhat self-selecting for like-minded individuals (not always the case with family, but I'm fortunate that it's the case for mine).

I think the crypto twitter stuff will eventually pass, one way or another, but people always get tribal about narratives that put their heavy bags at risk - not just financial bags, but psychological bags too. I think if you're engaging with crypto, one of the first technologies to really explicitly blend money with identity and social behavior, you especially need to be able to zoom out a bit and try your best to be intellectually honest. Or at least, put your energy to what you want to see more of.
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