The Nouns True Fan problem

Noun 40 has talked extensively about a need for some way to discern Nouns "true fans". The ultimate goal would be that you can look at a given actor, and see what other people have attested to about that person. From this data, you should be able to discern whether they are a "true" Nouns fan or not.

It's important to know who such fans are and how many exist, so that you can track success of Nouns over time (ideally # of true fans increases over time). You can also use the knowledge of *who* the true fans are to improve governance. Gardeners is a V1 of this, where true fans were determined via Prop House vote. V0 is the Nouns onchain governance model, where truefanness is determined by token ownership (purchased voting rights) and delegation (earned voting rights).

It's clear these early algorithms have some level of lossiness to them. V0 is susceptible to mercenary actors as we saw with the entire arb situation this past year. V1 is better in some ways, but has a capped amount, and is static, not dynamic. What might V2 look like?
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True fan checking in to all versions 🤝 ⌐◨-◨
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