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The internet moves really fast.

A meme, a tweet, a call for boycott – content today moves at the speed of light, and evolves just as quickly.

I get really frustrated when people and organizations I generally agree with spread misinformation, even unintentionally. But at the speed of light, it's impossible to keep perfect balance. It's inevitable that we'll trip up sometimes.

The only antidote that I've found is to force yourself to learn a little bit about a lot. Understand history and current events and politics – but also understand economics and biology and statistics. As the world becomes more complex and the technology we use becomes more opaque, it's crucial that we value boundless curiosity as much as we valuing being "experts" in any one field.

This not only gives us the ability to accurately communicate complex ideas, but also to check things we read against a few big ideas to understand whether they pass the smell test.

We live in an environment of information warfare. Our only protection is boundless curiosity.

Otherwise, you’ll accidentally boycott your favorite coffee shop.
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