Ⓜ️inted Title: “meme™ (fka as brand™)” Collection: “NOT CONFIDENTIAL™” By: imagination studio - @imagine.zora Mint Notes: 1) “brand™ is a continuous becoming” 2) “coherency is not the same as consistency” 3) “evolve the idea of brand™ beyond symbols and aesthetics, towards intentions and behaviors.” PDF of article on “Headless Brands” can also be accessed at: otherinter.net/HeadlessBrands_OtherInternet.pdf 👓 🔵
Title: “meme™ (fka as brand™)”
By: imagination studio - @imagine.zora
Mint Notes: 1) “brand™ is a continuous becoming” 2) “coherency is not the same as consistency” 3) “evolve the idea of brand™ beyond symbols and aesthetics, towards intentions and behaviors.” PDF of article on “Headless Brands” can also be accessed at: otherinter.net/HeadlessBrands_OtherInternet.pdf
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