Morning Message #23

On Holiday Loneliness:

I used to think I was broken for not enjoying holidays the way most other people do, and to an extent, I still do. As I grow older, though, I find that maybe it just doesn't matter as much as we're told it should. I mean, sure, I enjoy receiving /thoughtful/ gifts, but I personally prefer the randomness of them outside of major capitalistic holidays imposed on a global scale.

My favorite kind of gift is a handwritten letter in the mail, maybe some doodles and stickers sent along as well. Thankfully, the internet has allowed me to connect with folks kind enough to humor me in this particular indulgence. Outside of these pen pals, I imagine many reading this can relate to the difficulty of making friends and subsequently finding the money, time, and effort to buy gifts inside the absurdity of holiday seasons. Nevertheless, spending holidays alone still sucks, so my usual drowning in sci-fi and old holiday movies fills the void for now.
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Morning Message #23
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