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Enjoy Magazine #32, featuring Missy.
The first, almost-daily, magazine on Zora that you can't read, but you can enjoy it.
It costs only 1.11 $ENJOY.
I am convinced that in 2024, artists are still being exploited, and the world is ready to take their work without giving anything in return. This project will prove it.
Want to change my mind?
Give a $30 tip, and your name will appear in the next magazine.
Give a $100 tip for a custom cover magazine.
Give a $1000 tip for the golden magazine, 1:1.
How to tip?
Directly in ENJOY, or message me on Farcast or Twitter, and I will give you the ETH wallet where you can make your donation.
X/Twitter: @MynimalM
Farcast: @mynimalmonster
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📶 15 comments • 34,334 est. $enjoy tips
7000 $ENJOY
2000 $enjoy
2002 $Enjoy
9876 $ENJOY
1412 $enjoy
5325 $ENJOY
2600 $Enjoy
1200 $ENJOY
Wow :)))
2000 $Enjoy
Nice! 30 $ENJOY
147 $enjoy
242 $ENJOY
500 $ENJOY
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