"Elitism is the intellectuals prejudice." - from my Twitter

The distribution curve meme can fold onto itself for a compounding curve with a slight bend at the top.

In the meta, the meme variant represents 'evolution/adaptation/adoption'. Individuals more-so walking on top of the curvature - with the strata that raises the arc being 'consensus integration'.

Those 'early and right' experience more of the compounding arc. Those that 'wait for consensus signaling' experience less of it relative to their moment of walking the graph's circumference.

All of these ramblings are simply a thought gestalt spurred by the idea that many intellectual types (who populate crypto's more technical/theory spheres) are very similar to 'back-country bigots'.

In the sense that they deem swaths of diverse realities as threatening, existentially illegitimate, and choose to denigrate them through the veil of righteous double speak.

Idk who would've read all this, but if you did and see/agree with the core tenants, imo you have a massive opportunity to outperform those 'intellectuals'
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not only read it, but hastily sketched distribution curve meme on card stock, and then folded it to reveal compounding curve
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