52:23 25MB Listen on Zora
Blake speaks with streetwear legend Bobby Hundreds, co-founder of The Hundreds. He’s seen it all, and brings his 20 years of building his business to create a really helpful ~context~ for how to better understand the world of NFTs. They speak about the state of NFT culture and how to build a strong community that exists and stands for more than simply economic upside.

Bobby also explains what makes a great brand: why would someone identify with one and how to build community around shared values and interested.

Unsurprisingly, Blake steers the convo towards web3 fashion. Bobby explains his understanding of the term and how this is a really active segment of the NFT market already.

The big takeaway from the podcast: be slow to judgment. He reminds us not be dismissive of new technology and new ideas, but also, that there is really no rush to jump into participating in anything… This type of framework creates tremendous space and freedom for clear thinking and creativity. A story about Seth Rogan also drives this point home.

This is a super inspiring and optimistic convo, perfect for the depths of the bear.
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