52:08 72MB Listen on Zora
Blake speaks with the brilliant Straith Schreder, Executive Creative Director at Palm NFT Studio, who has been a part of designing and launching web 3 integrations for some of the most notable IP and artists on the planet including Batman and Damien Hirst. As expected, Blake can’t help but do a little art history detour to emphasize just how important Damien Hirst is to the art world, and how iconic his NFT drop was.

We go deep into how to build meaningful and lasting fan communities in a specifically web3 way. Straith reminds us that not all fandoms are monolith and how to create choice and empowerment for these communities via digital ownership. We also talk about how generative algorithms aren’t just useful for art creation but for branded NFTs as well, and the customized tools they can offer for consumers.

This conversation really ~contextualizes~ how to effectively release and steward any big brand and their entry into web3. It’s a great one!
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