37:05 34MB Listen on Zora
On this special episode, Blake speaks with two incredible artists: Nancy Baker Cahill and Figure 31. She dives into their creative processes: why and how they make art with emerging technology (in particular the blockchain and augmented reality). This leads into an illuminating discussion about the distinct artistic properties of the blockchain (aka: its “medium specificity”), and how it can be uniquely used to challenge existing power structures.

Blake also asks them about their brilliant new pieces; Nancy’s work called CENTO is on view at the Whitney Museum of Art and Figure 31’s PROXY is currently apart of Wild.xyz’s group show called MATERIAL.

It’s a super fascinating conversation about how to combine creativity with technology, and communicate complex ideas through the blockchain and AR in a digestible way. If you are working on any creative projects (artistic or otherwise), this convo its for you.

Note: This is the first live filming of Context! The episode was recorded in front of the attendees of the Wild.xyz Summit in New Orleans.
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