3:46 58MB Listen on Zora

Ask me where my ego is
man i don't know
what the fuck
you be talkin' bout


GOTHAM was originally released in the summer of 2018. A collaboration between myself, (production and raps), LATASHÁ (raps) and Planetlucid (cover art).

This is one of the last two songs I released before the unplanned but currently indefinite hiatus of the Théo Mode project (it shall return at some point just not sure when!)

Very excited to bring this song onchain and celebrate the power of the decentralized hyperstructures ☾☼☽ appearing all around us. (shoutsout 0xSplits launch on Zora Network and shoutsout Zora's Revenue Split)

The revenue from each mint will be split evenly between, Théo, LATASHÁ, & Planetlucid.



In this jungle of concrete
I fumble with loose change
She stumble got screws lose
And noose hung
Cause blue thumbs preoccupy
The youth too hung up to care
Who share
Fictional reality
That’s me
Guilty of it all
She leanin on the wall
Begging pleading
Just enough to eat she asks
But pass her up I do
With a wallet full of cash
for the weed that I need
In a train full of bleeding hearts
And sunken sullen sorrow
No tomorrow just survive the night
Perspective is this life we have is borrowed
until return into the blinding light
Then I️ hop off the train with a brain full baggage
Pay for the cabbage
Roll up my shame as painfully manage
To claim that I’ll change into hope all this sadness
And stave off my madness within

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connect wallet
A darle villa
yeeee yeeee yeeee
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