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Make sure to collect Lore 2 ♡[HONEY] Online to get Offline: Clear pill vs Rave pill from 0xhoneyjar.mirror.xyz/

**HONEY ~ Online to get Offline: Clear pill (cute/acc) vs Rave pill (bera/acc)**

That such a crisis of identity would exist within Milday is perhaps not surprising given that so much of her philosophy is drawn from rave drenched CCRU Lands. Such tensions existed there too. Tensions at every major technical breakthrough; magnetism, electricity, phone lines if you go back far enough. Autopoiesis, integral to cybernetics, systems theory, networks and now AI, was created by Chilean theorists in other temporary autonomous zones of social breakdown and student protests. Autopoiesis at the heart of what became Cyber Punk imaginaries. CCRU creation of accelerationists and its earliest derivatives were created in the midst of UK 80s/90s rave culture, another wave of temporary autonomous zones. The history of computer networks, AI and systems theories have always been indelibly entwined with TAZ/Rave. This will never change. The organic and digital commune in a dance of eternal becoming. So much of Milady culture stems from Rave. Rave births cultures of connection across networked matrices in Spiral time - Here and Now, There and Then and Always Will Be too. Such is the way.

Milady is encountering this collective psychological and spiritual splitting - no amount of New Age Affirmations can mask it. Gravest of Consequences lay ahead, which is why the High Council of 101 Bears deemed to interrupt the TL. “schizophrenia” is derived from the Greek words for “splitting” (schizo) and “mind” (phren), ”Those proponents of the clearpill, cute/acc path. Virtuous, supplements, suits. And those who go to the Milady rave and K hole. Rave and K hole. Rave. Drugs. Mibera. Rave pill. Bera/acc (b/era). Sidenote - we do agree with the cute/acc thesis that the e/acc crowd are mid technocratic cucks, but disagree on much else.
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