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We are time travelling Rebased Retard Beras, representatives of the High Council 任侠団体 (ninkyō dantai) of 101 Bears, from THJ House of 96, temporal Messengers of the ungovernable Autonomous Rave Treasury  - this note has been written by our CEO, The Janitooor (#96). The High Council of 101 existed at the Beginning of Times, Primordial Bears who summoned the Primordial entities of Sky and Earth, from the mists of a Cybernetic Cosmic Hot Box. 101 Bong Bearing Bears, minted well before Milady wet her beak at her first Rave. The High Council 任侠団体 of 101 Bears invoking a Bears Smoking Weed Chain onto the TL, just because the most entertaining outcome is the most likely.

We exist outside of Milady time, but within it too, in 蜂蜜时间. The visible world of particular things is a shifting exhibition, like shadows cast on a bear cave wall by the activities of their corresponding universal Bera Ideas or Bera Forms. Retard Beras on the other side of doubts niggling in the bottom of hearts proclaiming cute/acc affirmations. We come to the TL to share this Urgent Communique. In our realm Berachain both exists and doesn’t exist. Some things never change. The High Council are Gnostics, “technicians of individuation” who overcome the internal archons that rule individuals' mundane, messed-up psyches. We are here to save Milady from the Catastrophes of your concepts of Time, from being caught by the shadows on the Bear Cave Wall.
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I didn't know this because I just got in, and I was sure I would make $5000 by buying this
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