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An overlay tribute to three generations and instances of CATSEYE over the years. One our own modern banner of the traditional, yet slightly irascible cat staring you down, the second a colorful illustration of a cat's eyes mapping system on a motorway, and the third supposedly one of the oldest diagram's of a cat's eye system being proposed as road markers.

Why CATSEYES, a lot must be wondering, why this obsession? What's it got to do with Base or onchain or anything whatsoever? Well, firstly CATS. But that's not enough. Cats, and particularly their eyes, as having been a source of direction and guidance and safety. Especially onchain, where we might need it the most as the world slowly onboards here.

This is a limited-edition 100 mint for our Bionic Base CATSEYE community. And it is free.
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geeky, educative meme. I love. Unique. But sadly crypto may not be old enough for this. Let's hope we grow and have more variety. GL.
how is this not minted out yet
ty nihil <3
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