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Management wants feedback!

To give your feedback and ideas mint the suggestion box. Add your suggestion as a comment on your mint. This lets you claim your idea and time stamp it. If your idea gets implemented you can get special rewards!
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connect wallet
i just came here to say that suggestion box via comments via zora is very based, much wow
Launch a memetoken for Based Management to reward community members. Inspired in part by Farcaster’s Warps and by the $Degen community

My suggestion for Based Management is maybe hold a meeting regarding Bases leading memecoin, Toshi, Brians cat named after Satoshi, I think it could yield very positive ecosystem results supporting it. After all, BM is the ultimate meme machine, why not support this meme :D
Comment and Suggestion:
I love what bm is doing. Suggestion would be to have a more intimate connection, more calls on aburra / discord / twitter spaces. More inv9olvement that have impact.
Based Management merch with IYK chips.

Hats, Shirts, Lanyards/Key Cards, Socks.

Maybe Based floppy disks with an embedded IYK NFC chip.
Let's start a Based Worm to visit every wallet that's part of Based Management in some way.

Inspired by theworm.wtf
funneling intern mints exclusively through titles app is uncool.
I suggest that you accept me as an intern!
Feedback and ideas for management:
1) Primer - Context and ELI5 for those brand new to topic
2) Dictionary - Clarified set of terms to reduce jargon hurdle
3) Timeline - Historic dates in Based Management history
4) Toolkit - Access and instructions to design elements
5) Apprenticeship - Additional guidance for interns who reach specific mint hurdles
6) Museum - Images and descriptions of the various collections to date
7) Curatorial - Profiles on management, interns, and related projects
👓 🔵
Love this! Set up a bot to cross-post suggestions made in the suggestion box to fc/twitter. Auto-feeding the bounty layer
Do a weekly or monthly Based Management Project Spotlight to highlight & accelerate cool token projects on Base! :D
pixel avatar generator for us Base Management citizens out in the community! Shows off the collective. Ser i'm just an intern to the intern.
Weekly newsletter that highlights what is being developed, note worthy mints, projects to join, an overall look at the ecosystem.
keep being based
Anything for THE team
Dear Management I think we should amend the description to make it clear that we want Interns to add their suggestions in comments and why this is important - provenance of ideas
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