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Knight | 006. Luna

In the heart of a realm shrouded in the velvet cloak of night, fears whispered through the winds like old tales told by the ancient trees. From their earliest memories, the people of this land were cradled in warnings of the night's terrors: shadows that danced with menacing intent, the paralyzing fear of an abyss opening beneath unsuspecting feet. Night after night, these fears followed many into their dreams, an ethereal realm where the sun's final kiss on the horizon felt like a farewell to safety and warmth.

Yet, whispers existed a legend, a tale of a Knight born from the very essence of these nocturnal fears. The Knight was said to walk the thin line between daybreak and dusk, between the seen and unseen. Clad in armor that gleamed like starlight, the Knight's journey was one of transformation, a quest forged in the heart of darkness itself.

The darkness was not just an abyss of terror; it was a crucible for the soul. In the deepest gloaming, the true nature of the Knight was awakened. The night, often misunderstood as a harbinger of fear, was, in truth, a stern, unyielding teacher. She was the cold, unflinching mother of Winter and Winds, the silent reaper bidding farewell to the vibrant life of Autumn. In her embrace, the Knight learned to see without eyes, to move without the guidance of light, to believe in the strength within when all external lights flickered and died.

This Knight was more than a guardian of the physical realm; they were a protector of the spirit, a sentinel guarding against the encroaching despair that darkness could bring. Their journey was one of paradoxes—finding light in darkness, strength in vulnerability, and hope in the heart of fear. With each step, each battle, each whispered prayer under the moon's watchful eye, the Knight embraced the twilight's lessons.

And so, the legend whispered that the dawn would never be as radiant without this embrace of nightfall. The first light of day was a promise, a gentle reminder that even in the deepest despair, there was always the hope of a new beginning. This collection is the Prologue of the Knight from within you, a title earned through trials and tears, stood as a testament to this eternal cycle of night and day, fear and courage, despair and hope.

As the stars above twinkled with ancient knowledge, the Knight's journey was far from over. Every nightfall brought new challenges, fears to conquer, and lessons to be learned. In the heart of darkness, the true Knight was not just born but continually reborn, stronger, wiser, and ever more resolute to face the coming dawn.

The Introduction of " Middle of the Knight" a short story by Angel Darmella
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Knight | 005. Starry

In the heart of a realm shrouded in the velvet cloak of night, fears whispered through the winds like old tales told by the ancient trees. From their earliest memories, the people of this land were cradled in warnings of the night's terrors: shadows that danced with menacing intent, the paralyzing fear of an abyss opening beneath unsuspecting feet. Night after night, these fears followed many into their dreams, an ethereal realm where the sun's final kiss on the horizon felt like a farewell to safety and warmth.

Yet, whispers existed a legend, a tale of a Knight born from the very essence of these nocturnal fears. The Knight was said to walk the thin line between daybreak and dusk, between the seen and unseen. Clad in armor that gleamed like starlight, the Knight's journey was one of transformation, a quest forged in the heart of darkness itself.

The darkness was not just an abyss of terror; it was a crucible for the soul. In the deepest gloaming, the true nature of the Knight was awakened. The night, often misunderstood as a harbinger of fear, was, in truth, a stern, unyielding teacher. She was the cold, unflinching mother of Winter and Winds, the silent reaper bidding farewell to the vibrant life of Autumn. In her embrace, the Knight learned to see without eyes, to move without the guidance of light, to believe in the strength within when all external lights flickered and died.

This Knight was more than a guardian of the physical realm; they were a protector of the spirit, a sentinel guarding against the encroaching despair that darkness could bring. Their journey was one of paradoxes—finding light in darkness, strength in vulnerability, and hope in the heart of fear. With each step, each battle, each whispered prayer under the moon's watchful eye, the Knight embraced the twilight's lessons.

And so, the legend whispered that the dawn would never be as radiant without this embrace of nightfall. The first light of day was a promise, a gentle reminder that even in the deepest despair, there was always the hope of a new beginning. This collection is the Prologue of the Knight from within you, a title earned through trials and tears, stood as a testament to this eternal cycle of night and day, fear and courage, despair and hope.

As the stars above twinkled with ancient knowledge, the Knight's journey was far from over. Every nightfall brought new challenges, fears to conquer, and lessons to be learned. In the heart of darkness, the true Knight was not just born but continually reborn, stronger, wiser, and ever more resolute to face the coming dawn.

The Introduction of " Middle of the Knight" a short story by Angel Darmella
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Knight | 001. Midnight

In the heart of a realm shrouded in the velvet cloak of night, fears whispered through the winds like old tales told by the ancient trees. From their earliest memories, the people of this land were cradled in warnings of the night's terrors: shadows that danced with menacing intent, the paralyzing fear of an abyss opening beneath unsuspecting feet. Night after night, these fears followed many into their dreams, an ethereal realm where the sun's final kiss on the horizon felt like a farewell to safety and warmth.

Yet, whispers existed a legend, a tale of a Knight born from the very essence of these nocturnal fears. The Knight was said to walk the thin line between daybreak and dusk, between the seen and unseen. Clad in armor that gleamed like starlight, the Knight's journey was one of transformation, a quest forged in the heart of darkness itself.

The darkness was not just an abyss of terror; it was a crucible for the soul. In the deepest gloaming, the true nature of the Knight was awakened. The night, often misunderstood as a harbinger of fear, was, in truth, a stern, unyielding teacher. She was the cold, unflinching mother of Winter and Winds, the silent reaper bidding farewell to the vibrant life of Autumn. In her embrace, the Knight learned to see without eyes, to move without the guidance of light, to believe in the strength within when all external lights flickered and died.

This Knight was more than a guardian of the physical realm; they were a protector of the spirit, a sentinel guarding against the encroaching despair that darkness could bring. Their journey was one of paradoxes—finding light in darkness, strength in vulnerability, and hope in the heart of fear. With each step, each battle, each whispered prayer under the moon's watchful eye, the Knight embraced the twilight's lessons.

And so, the legend whispered that the dawn would never be as radiant without this embrace of nightfall. The first light of day was a promise, a gentle reminder that even in the deepest despair, there was always the hope of a new beginning. This is Prologue of the Knight from within you, a title earned through trials and tears, stood as a testament to this eternal cycle of night and day, fear and courage, despair and hope.

As the stars above twinkled with ancient knowledge, the Knight's journey was far from over. Every nightfall brought new challenges, fears to conquer, and lessons to be learned. In the heart of darkness, the true Knight was not just born but continually reborn, stronger, wiser, and ever more resolute to face the coming dawn.

The Introduction of " Middle of the Knight" by Angel Darmella
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Knight | 004. Dusk

In the heart of a realm shrouded in the velvet cloak of night, fears whispered through the winds like old tales told by the ancient trees. From their earliest memories, the people of this land were cradled in warnings of the night's terrors: shadows that danced with menacing intent, the paralyzing fear of an abyss opening beneath unsuspecting feet. Night after night, these fears followed many into their dreams, an ethereal realm where the sun's final kiss on the horizon felt like a farewell to safety and warmth.

Yet, whispers existed a legend, a tale of a Knight born from the very essence of these nocturnal fears. The Knight was said to walk the thin line between daybreak and dusk, between the seen and unseen. Clad in armor that gleamed like starlight, the Knight's journey was one of transformation, a quest forged in the heart of darkness itself.

The darkness was not just an abyss of terror; it was a crucible for the soul. In the deepest gloaming, the true nature of the Knight was awakened. The night, often misunderstood as a harbinger of fear, was, in truth, a stern, unyielding teacher. She was the cold, unflinching mother of Winter and Winds, the silent reaper bidding farewell to the vibrant life of Autumn. In her embrace, the Knight learned to see without eyes, to move without the guidance of light, to believe in the strength within when all external lights flickered and died.

This Knight was more than a guardian of the physical realm; they were a protector of the spirit, a sentinel guarding against the encroaching despair that darkness could bring. Their journey was one of paradoxes—finding light in darkness, strength in vulnerability, and hope in the heart of fear. With each step, each battle, each whispered prayer under the moon's watchful eye, the Knight embraced the twilight's lessons.

And so, the legend whispered that the dawn would never be as radiant without this embrace of nightfall. The first light of day was a promise, a gentle reminder that even in the deepest despair, there was always the hope of a new beginning. This is Prologue of the Knight from within you, a title earned through trials and tears, stood as a testament to this eternal cycle of night and day, fear and courage, despair and hope.

As the stars above twinkled with ancient knowledge, the Knight's journey was far from over. Every nightfall brought new challenges, fears to conquer, and lessons to be learned. In the heart of darkness, the true Knight was not just born but continually reborn, stronger, wiser, and ever more resolute to face the coming dawn.

The Introduction of " Middle of the Knight" by Angel Darmella
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Knight | 003. Dawn

In the heart of a realm shrouded in the velvet cloak of night, fears whispered through the winds like old tales told by the ancient trees. From their earliest memories, the people of this land were cradled in warnings of the night's terrors: shadows that danced with menacing intent, the paralyzing fear of an abyss opening beneath unsuspecting feet. Night after night, these fears followed many into their dreams, an ethereal realm where the sun's final kiss on the horizon felt like a farewell to safety and warmth.

Yet, whispers existed a legend, a tale of a Knight born from the very essence of these nocturnal fears. The Knight was said to walk the thin line between daybreak and dusk, between the seen and unseen. Clad in armor that gleamed like starlight, the Knight's journey was one of transformation, a quest forged in the heart of darkness itself.

The darkness was not just an abyss of terror; it was a crucible for the soul. In the deepest gloaming, the true nature of the Knight was awakened. The night, often misunderstood as a harbinger of fear, was, in truth, a stern, unyielding teacher. She was the cold, unflinching mother of Winter and Winds, the silent reaper bidding farewell to the vibrant life of Autumn. In her embrace, the Knight learned to see without eyes, to move without the guidance of light, to believe in the strength within when all external lights flickered and died.

This Knight was more than a guardian of the physical realm; they were a protector of the spirit, a sentinel guarding against the encroaching despair that darkness could bring. Their journey was one of paradoxes—finding light in darkness, strength in vulnerability, and hope in the heart of fear. With each step, each battle, each whispered prayer under the moon's watchful eye, the Knight embraced the twilight's lessons.

And so, the legend whispered that the dawn would never be as radiant without this embrace of nightfall. The first light of day was a promise, a gentle reminder that even in the deepest despair, there was always the hope of a new beginning. This is Prologue of the Knight from within you, a title earned through trials and tears, stood as a testament to this eternal cycle of night and day, fear and courage, despair and hope.

As the stars above twinkled with ancient knowledge, the Knight's journey was far from over. Every nightfall brought new challenges, fears to conquer, and lessons to be learned. In the heart of darkness, the true Knight was not just born but continually reborn, stronger, wiser, and ever more resolute to face the coming dawn.

The Introduction of " Middle of the Knight" by Angel Darmella
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Knight | 002. Twilight

In the heart of a realm shrouded in the velvet cloak of night, fears whispered through the winds like old tales told by the ancient trees. From their earliest memories, the people of this land were cradled in warnings of the night's terrors: shadows that danced with menacing intent, the paralyzing fear of an abyss opening beneath unsuspecting feet. Night after night, these fears followed many into their dreams, an ethereal realm where the sun's final kiss on the horizon felt like a farewell to safety and warmth.

Yet, whispers existed a legend, a tale of a Knight born from the very essence of these nocturnal fears. The Knight was said to walk the thin line between daybreak and dusk, between the seen and unseen. Clad in armor that gleamed like starlight, the Knight's journey was one of transformation, a quest forged in the heart of darkness itself.

The darkness was not just an abyss of terror; it was a crucible for the soul. In the deepest gloaming, the true nature of the Knight was awakened. The night, often misunderstood as a harbinger of fear, was, in truth, a stern, unyielding teacher. She was the cold, unflinching mother of Winter and Winds, the silent reaper bidding farewell to the vibrant life of Autumn. In her embrace, the Knight learned to see without eyes, to move without the guidance of light, to believe in the strength within when all external lights flickered and died.

This Knight was more than a guardian of the physical realm; they were a protector of the spirit, a sentinel guarding against the encroaching despair that darkness could bring. Their journey was one of paradoxes—finding light in darkness, strength in vulnerability, and hope in the heart of fear. With each step, each battle, each whispered prayer under the moon's watchful eye, the Knight embraced the twilight's lessons.

And so, the legend whispered that the dawn would never be as radiant without this embrace of nightfall. The first light of day was a promise, a gentle reminder that even in the deepest despair, there was always the hope of a new beginning. This is Prologue of the Knight from within you, a title earned through trials and tears, stood as a testament to this eternal cycle of night and day, fear and courage, despair and hope.

As the stars above twinkled with ancient knowledge, the Knight's journey was far from over. Every nightfall brought new challenges, fears to conquer, and lessons to be learned. In the heart of darkness, the true Knight was not just born but continually reborn, stronger, wiser, and ever more resolute to face the coming dawn.

The Introduction of " Middle of the Knight" by Angel Darmella
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Angel Darmella | Winged Wonders III

Embarking on a year of transformative self-discovery, I've delved into an array of visual arts and the captivating world of storytelling. This journey is more than just exploring different mediums; it's about peeling back the layers of my soul, revealing the dynamic mosaic of my artistic essence. Anticipate the thrill of new revelations as I continue this enthralling voyage into the depths of creativity.
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Angel Darmella | Winged Wonders II

This year has marked a profound journey of personal growth. I've ventured into the realm of various visual mediums and the art of storytelling, all in pursuit of unveiling more of my inner self and the ever-evolving tapestry of my artistic vision. Stay poised for the unfolding of exhilarating chapters in my creative odyssey.
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Angel Darmella | Winged Wonders

I've transformed my passion for photography into a career, initially capturing candid moments in New York and now specializing in portrait photography in Los Angeles. Alongside this journey, I've embraced Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create groundbreaking art that pushes boundaries.

As a film enthusiast, I use specific films and cameras to immortalize moments and blend them with AI. My artistic evolution is fueled by a deep love for storytelling through photography and AI. Join me as I continue exploring the world through this unique blend of artistry, one frame at a time.
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We delve into the profound yet intricate relationship between technology and our well-being. As our lives become increasingly intertwined with digital realms, this piece explores the intriguing possibility: Can the very endorphins triggered by our 'addiction' to technology also be harnessed for healing? This generation, more than any before, has had the unique privilege of plugging into a customizable digital world, revealing an unprecedented fusion of personalization and global connectivity.

HEALWEAR examines how, with just a simple click, technology transcends physical borders, uniting people from every corner of the globe. It's not just about connectivity; it's about finding your tribe, your community. No matter how isolated or disconnected one might feel in the physical world, the digital landscape offers a sanctuary, a place to belong.

This piece reflects on the duality of technology—as a tool for connection and wellness. It invites viewers to ponder: In a world where our next moment of camaraderie or understanding is just a click away, how do we harness this incredible power responsibly? How do we balance our innate need for connection with the mindful use of technology to ensure it serves as a pathway to healing, not just a means of escape?

HEALWEAR is more than just an art piece; it's a conversation starter about the role of technology in our lives and its potential to connect us and heal, bring us together, and create a sense of belonging in an ever-expanding digital universe.
This piece is a part of Technology of Togetherness, a collective drop exploring technologies impact on culture, community, nature and the self, presented by Take Up Space.
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great work of art ><
You don't miss! Love this piece
¸,ø¤º°°º¤ø,¸technology of togetherness¸,ø¤º°°º¤ø,¸
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Year 3090

Year 3090 Awaits: Where Retro Meets Futurism

Dive into the world of 3088, a universe where the past collides with the future. The three-piece mint edition of our collection encapsulates the magic of growing up under the influence of Missy Misdemeanor Elliot and Hype Williams. Their iconic music videos on MTV and BET sparked my love for fashion and creativity, forging a path that transcends the ordinary. Missy was ahead of her time, and in this multiverse, she's a leader to us all. Discover your own creative outlet with us.
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Year 3089

Future of Fashion: Year 3089

The height of fashion isn't in the past or present, but in the imagination of the retro-futuristic world. Influenced by astounding artists like Missy Misdemeanor Elliot, whose videos captivated a generation, and her collaboration with Hype Williams, this three-piece mint edition reflects the glory of innovation. They were ahead of their time, leading the people into a new dimension of style. Come explore this multiverse with us!
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Year 3088

Welcome to 3088!

Embrace the era where retro-futurism reigns supreme. Inspired by the cutting-edge creativity of legends like Missy Misdemeanor Elliot and Hype Williams, this new three-piece mint edition collection brings the past and future together. Growing up watching MTV and BET, I realized that fashion transcends time. Now, we've crafted a line that pays homage to the iconoclastic leaders of a multiverse where imagination knows no bounds.
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Love it! Gives me also Toni Braxton / Janet Jackson vibes :)
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PINK LADIES NIGHT edition, not every night is pink, but every night is fur real. This collection isn't just a statement; it's an invitation to explore, connect, and feel. where each piece is a celebration of strength, elegance, and individuality. Dive into a symphony of hues and textures that breathe life into the stories of Black femininity, crafted with passion and soul.

Join me on this journey through art, and let's redefine beauty together with this groundbreaking collaboration with Zora. Your next favorite masterpiece awaits!
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Unveiling the Essence of Grace and Power

Welcome to the 'PINK LADIES NIGHT' edition, where each piece is a celebration of strength, elegance, and individuality. Dive into a symphony of hues and textures that breathe life into the stories of Black femininity, crafted with passion and soul. This collection isn't just a statement; it's an invitation to explore, connect, and feel. Join me on this journey through art, and let's redefine beauty together with this groundbreaking collaboration with Zora. Your next favorite masterpiece awaits!
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Waiting for Pythia
The Luxury, The Elegance
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Introducing the 'PINK LADIES NIGHT' Edition: A Vibrant Expression of Fur And Soul

I am beyond thrilled to unveil a glimpse of my latest creative venture, the 'PINK LADIES NIGHT' edition. Prepare to immerse yourself in a world filled with color, emotion, and artistic innovation. Stay tuned, because this collection is FURRRR REAAALLL! And what makes this all the more special? This is my first open edition with Zora, and I couldn't be more excited to share my new artwork with the blockchain and the world.


The 'PINK LADIES NIGHT' edition is more than just art; it's an experience. Drawing inspiration from the many facets of Black femininity, these pieces are vibrant expressions of character, soul, and the indefinable essence that makes us human.
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Attention To Detail >
The PANK!!
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