Kazuto Nakazawa, renowned for his iconic character designs in Samurai Champloo, joins Azuki's anime anthology production team as the character designer for Episode 2. In honor of Samurai Champloo's 20th anniversary and the upcoming release of Enter The Garden: Fractured Reflections, Nakazawa has crafted a special illustration featuring Mugen and Shao.
»Amidst a bustling city and the clamor of everyday life, the eye finds no rest to capture the enchanting moments of beauty. Yet, those who dare to look beyond the gray facades discover here, too, a portal to their soul's true happiness.«
This art reminded me of one of my favorite anime, to be honest this art gave me the strength to keep creating, I will wake up tomorrow and start creating and will not stop
WormWood SEO investing in Zora.co NFT’s on Base Chain. Wormwood SEO offers Crypto and Web3 internet marketing solutions lead by our SEO offering. www.wormwoodseo.com
Haru, a free-spirited skater, has always felt like a misfit in a world where she’s constantly told how to behave. One day, Haru meets T.K., a mysterious man sitting next to a vending machine, waiting for someone to appear.
💎 Mint & Follow & Airdrop 💎 $CATS “Take the emptiness you hold in your arms And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe. Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner, And fly with more affection.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke
Thank you for everyone's hard work to bring Azuki's IP to life, it gave me goosebump watching it in the Tokyo event, i gonna be the waiting man waiting for ep2!!
Mint the special edition Azuki #723 with custom Arbitrum traits designed by Steamboy, co-creator of Azuki. The Lightning Azuki represents the speed and performance of Arbitrum technology.
All proceeds from Zora protocol rewards will go to Arbitrum DAO.
David.De_Fi_ and the Arbitrum brothers are true ones in Web3! Ricardo, Febros, Eli, Chrona, BFreshHB, and everyone in this amazing ecosystem are simply the best. I'm so glad to know you all!
Mint the special edition Azuki #723 with custom Arbitrum traits by the co-creator of Azuki, Steamboy. The Lightning Azuki represents the speed and performance of Arbitrum technology.
Samurai Champloo × Azuki
This is my pick LFG
10000 $Enjoy
Good luck!
THANK YOU !!! ・゚・(。>ω<。)・゚・
Mizuki is discovering the potential of the water in the garden. With flow and pressure, the power of water is one of the strongest elemental.
love the cinematic of the artwork
Let's end up with a GOOD Thai number then x55
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Enter The Garden: Ep. 1 - The Waiting Man
“Take the emptiness you hold in your arms And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe. Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner, And fly with more affection.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke
Looking great, thanks for raising the bar!
Enter The Garden: Ep. 1 - The Waiting Man Poster
Signed by Gorō Taniguchi.
Arbzuki #723
All proceeds from Zora protocol rewards will go to Arbitrum DAO.
Arbzuki #723
All proceeds go to Arbitrum DAO.