This is an animated GIF inspired by the Winter Comic Market. Comic Market is a large-scale event held twice a year in Japan, where doujinshi (self-published works) are sold. It's a lively celebration of otaku culture, attended by many enthusiasts. Since I haven't been able to attend due to COVID, I created this piece out of longing for participating in Comic Market. I would be very happy if you liked it.
Animation gif -Winter Comic Market
Comic Market is a large-scale event held twice a year in Japan, where doujinshi (self-published works) are sold.
It's a lively celebration of otaku culture, attended by many enthusiasts.
Since I haven't been able to attend due to COVID, I created this piece out of longing for participating in Comic Market.
I would be very happy if you liked it.
Animation of Spiderman
Animation - Children at Ikebukuro Station - Tokyo/Japan
Animation gif - Girl listening to music on tablet and getting into rhythm