Great mint you created and shared to celebrate a fantastic artist. Hopefully anyone not familiar with Aphex Twin might see it, and be curious enough to go have a listen. Then they can come back and mint this NFT and thank you for making them aware of the awesome genius that is Aphex Twin.
The Bucephalus Bouncing Ball was the first thing I heard way back in the day, in whatever movie it was used in. It was so cool and new to me, I instantly became a fan that needed to hear more. I remember seeking it out at the only music store we had in town named OnCue. I loved that store dearly it was the place to be. Several of my friends along with all the older cool kids either worked at or frequentled. The friend George was the manager and was the only person who knew who the artist was and was already a fan. He was happy I liked it and he ordered the EP Come to Daddy for me. That opened a whole new world of music to me resulting in my appreciation of the electronic/dance/techno genre. Thanks for creating and sharing your work. Best wishes 🍀
