✎ 108 6 3 NEW COMMENTS
Est. tips sent this week: 0 / 54,416 (0%) $ENJOY
55323 $Enjoy
20000 $Enjoy
20000 $Enjoy
59555 $Enjoy
on Fancy
30000 $Enjoy
20000 $Enjoy
10000 $Enjoy
I really like your music, keep it coming!

118543 $Enjoy
60000 $Enjoy
50000 $Enjoy
20000 $Enjoy
30000 $Enjoy
40000 $Enjoy
on Goodbye
10000 $Enjoy
Minted on The Terminal
30000 $Enjoy
Minted on The Terminal
50000 $Enjoy
10000 $Enjoy
30000 $Enjoy
Welcome to Zora :)

30000 $Enjoy 
on Wait
30000 $Enjoy
40000 $Enjoy
5000 $Enjoy
15000 $Enjoy
15000 $Enjoy
20000 $Enjoy
Wonderful! 10720 $Enjoy
10000 $Enjoy
Mesmerising rainbow 

7777 $Enjoy 
Beauty can be found in unexpected places

3000 $Enjoy

3000 $Enjoy 
I'd have a drink and enjoy

3000 $Enjoy
You and @deployer are the best for building and creating awesomeness

5000 $imagine
5000 $Enjoy
This has the right feel to it 

4000 $Enjoy
Loving the art style and the doge

1000 $Enjoy 
We are so early

3000 $Enjoy 
Just build it. Ship it. Love it. Enjoy it.

3000 $Enjoy
Soup for the soul

1000 $Enjoy 
Definitely taking a sip. Or more than a sip!

I'll take 11

1111 $Enjoy
Shields up 🦄

1000 $Enjoy 
Good luck to everyone for the 1/1 NFT 

1000 $Enjoy
Woof woof 

1111 $Enjoy
Minted 1/1
777 $imagine to 0xF2e8937D7AA0Cb5C2D63F57b8D581C0aeaD055fF
Finding my inner peace in the portal

1000 $Enjoy
Just build it, on the $DEGEN chain

1000 $Enjoy
Ninetales vibes. Love the choice of colors! 1000 $Enjoy
Pika Pika gets paid 1000 $Enjoy
The mistress takes care fo the master. Together they are unstoppable 🎩 1000 $Enjoy
The $DEGEN master never sleeps, always tips and keeps his hat on 🎩 1069 $ENJOY
Love the art style and the orb
Imagine a stairway to unlock your imagination
Enjoying this Zorb
Love the use of colours here! 🌸
on 425
An unforgettable trip to Zorbtopia
Just build it and ship it 🔵 That is the based way
Feeling optimistic! 🔴
Bullish on Just Art
Loving these hats! We need them IRL
on 212
A stroll through Zorbish Park
Enjoying the design and colors
Longest wait of my life to mint
I'm left speechless with the words in the video
Degen expanding at the speed of light
For the zorb
We imagine, we go higher!
Time to blast off 🚀
Love the art! IRL I dislike pineapple in pizzas, but this looks awesome
Enjoying this at night
Just $DEGEN it
I can feel the $sunshine
Enjoy your ham bucket hat!
Well balanced orb 🔵
Imagine a colorful zorb. Just zorbius
Imagine igniting 111 $imagine
Simply imagine
on The #1
I love colorful abstract art
Stunning art
Beautiful! I'd hang this in my living room
