With a slow, deliberate movement, he pours the deep black, enigmatic liquid from the dark, almost mirror-like can. The black glass, barely allowing any light through, gradually fills—drop by drop. The velvety, endlessly dark shimmer of the liquid seems to merge with the material of the glass, as if both were born from the same unfathomable depth. Not a sound escapes as the vessel slowly fills to the brim—only a heavy silence lingers, as if something unspoken and strange has entered the glass.
One might wonder: is this a ritual? A drink that requires courage? Or a mystery better left unsolved?
Processing 3
Processing 2
Processing 1
Abstract b/w 3
abstract b/w
Acrylic on canvas, 15x15cm
One might wonder: is this a ritual? A drink that requires courage? Or a mystery better left unsolved?
Acrylic on paper, 21x15cm
Acryl on paper, 21x15cm
Analog Keyboard
Analog Keyboard
Analog Keyboard
Cat no2
Cat no1