300 $Enjoy $Higher 200 $Imagine 엥죠이 엥꼬로 임혜진 더 두고 갑니다~ ^^
78015 $enjoy $imagine $higher
10000 $enjoy (6.8) lovely !!!
good!! $higher $imagine 1500 $enjoy
20005 $Enjoy $imagine $higher 6월 8일 맘에들어 민민~! zora.co/@hi_ath
5000 $Enjoy $Higher 20 $Imagine 6-2-11
85254 $enjoy $imagine $higher
10005 $enjoy $higher $imagine 2개구매하고 갑니다! 자주뵈요^^ 240608
10000 $enjoy (6.8) i love it!! great!
good!!! $higher $imagine 1500 $enjoy
10005 $Enjoy $imagine $higher 6월 8일 맘에들어 민민~! zora.co/@hi_ath
10000 $enjoy (6.8) Wow !!!
멋져요~ 3100 $enjoy $imagine $higher
마스크 채널 게시물로 쓰셔도 될 것 같습니다 에몽님 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (민팅이 안됐나 싶어서 다시 눌러봐요 !!) 5000 $enjoy $higher
3000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
13000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
랜선연애 하고 갑니다 에몽님 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 감사합니당 ^ㅠ^ 4000 $enjoy $higher
100000 $Enjoy $Imagine $Higher (24.06.09) 인조이 소진 갑니다!! Handle of Warpcast: Jisu ✨️ @zzissu
멋진 아트네온 작품이군요! ㅎㅎㅎ 3500 $enjoy $higher
10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 11 민팅 완료
10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 24.05.12 11 맞민팅 완료~
5000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 24.05.12 11 맞민팅 완료~
4720 $enjoy $imagine $higher 24.05.12 11 맞민팅 완료~
3333 $enjoy ✧
진격의 디젠, 맞민 환영!
555 $enjoy
I'll come back again!!^^ Come often to mine, too!
I'm minting!
♥Happy day♥
Thx...💕 ✧
78015 $enjoy $imagine $higher
✧10000 $enjoy (6.8) lovely !!!
✧good!! $higher $imagine 1500 $enjoy
✧Thanks~:) ✧
I want to fly in the sky, but I can't
999 $enjoy
I'll come back again!!^^ Come often to mine, too!
I'm minting!
♥Happy day♥
Thx...💕 ✧
방문 감사드립니다 :) 0610 ✧
return mint done~ ✧
love it ✧
85254 $enjoy $imagine $higher
✧10005 $enjoy $higher $imagine 2개구매하고 갑니다! 자주뵈요^^ 240608
✧10000 $enjoy (6.8) i love it!! great!
✧good!!! $higher $imagine 1500 $enjoy
✧06.08 구매, 재미난 작품 많아 좋아요^^ 자주봬용~ ✧
Funny!! ✧
$higher (6/8) 민팅 3개 하고 갑니다. 자주 놀러 올게요.” ✧
막판이라고 이렇게 준다고?
a vacation
10000 $enjoy (6.8) Wow !!!
✧a symbol of health, superrare poop
너의 얼굴 자체가 마스크 아닐까, Your face is a mask
(6.8) ✧
Thousand Personas by Carl Jung
3개여! ✧
멋져요~ 3100 $enjoy $imagine $higher
✧who am i ? good pic! ✧
06.03 111장구매, 재밌는 작품이네요^^ 자주봬용~ ✧
마스크 채널 게시물로 쓰셔도 될 것 같습니다 에몽님 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (민팅이 안됐나 싶어서 다시 눌러봐요 !!) 5000 $enjoy $higher
✧3000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
✧13000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
✧Long vacation - The Day We Confirmed Our Love
설레이고 예쁘고 풋풋하고, 여름이였다. ✧
랜선연애 하고 갑니다 에몽님 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 감사합니당 ^ㅠ^ 4000 $enjoy $higher
✧13000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
✧The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Adapted - The artwork, which hints at the insignificance of human existence compared to the power of nature, uses a joyful surfer riding the wave to convey the message of relaxing and enjoying life.
100000 $Enjoy $Imagine $Higher (24.06.09) 인조이 소진 갑니다!! Handle of Warpcast: Jisu ✨️ @zzissu
✧3100 $enjoy $imagine $higher ✧
funky tonight
멋진 아트네온 작품이군요! ㅎㅎㅎ 3500 $enjoy $higher
✧5/26일 3장 샀어요 ㅎㅎ ✧
10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 11 민팅 완료
✧10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 11 민팅 완료
✧relaxing full moon
100000 $Enjoy $Imagine $Higher (24.06.09) 인조이 소진 갑니다!! Handle of Warpcast: Jisu ✨️ @zzissu
✧10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 11 민팅 완료
✧10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 11 민팅 완료
✧great! :) ✧
good night Doraemon
3장 5/26일 ✧
Tuesday like Sisyphus's punishment
Doraemon Flying Over Namsan Tower
10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
✧10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
✧Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food
10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
✧10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
✧Doraemon and Degen's Seoul Outing
The gold we crave on Warpcast, a cliff where we are precariously standing.
10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 24.05.12 11 맞민팅 완료~
✧10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 24.05.12 11 맞민팅 완료~
✧Marilyn Monroe
10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 24.05.12 11 맞민팅 완료~
✧10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 24.05.12 11 맞민팅 완료~
✧하도 남아서 ㅎ 맞민 금지 !!!! 이번생은 꽃길~ ✧
peaceful place
5000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 24.05.12 11 맞민팅 완료~
✧4720 $enjoy $imagine $higher 24.05.12 11 맞민팅 완료~
✧congrat~ ✧