Interpretation of the image of Saint George of Cappadocia, syncretized with the orisha Ogun. In Brazil, especially in Rio de Janeiro, both saints are very popular and the whole state celebrates them on April 23rd. The Catholics hold masses and processions, while the Afro-religious hold parties with lots of music, beer and the traditional Ogum feijoada. It's a special date for many because São Jorge and Ogum are known as the Saint of the People and the different religions come together to celebrate the Warrior Saint.
This artwork depicts the vodun Ogún, Agé, Odé and Logun Edé. These are all warrior and military deities linked to hunting, abundance, intelligence, technology and civilization. They form the Hunter Clan in Afro-Brazilian culture of Ewe-Fon and Nagô-Yoruba origin.
eu estou feliz porque também sou da sua companhia
In Brazil, especially in Rio de Janeiro, both saints are very popular and the whole state celebrates them on April 23rd.
The Catholics hold masses and processions, while the Afro-religious hold parties with lots of music, beer and the traditional Ogum feijoada.
It's a special date for many because São Jorge and Ogum are known as the Saint of the People and the different religions come together to celebrate the Warrior Saint.
Clã dos Caçadores
i know my destination but I'm just not there
Stele of Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu
IbAd pt.I
IbAd pt.II