Jul 08
0x6c82 40x
on Based Issue #6 - Chad & Andy Back to the past Ⓤ
Billy? I am late... you?
Jun 30
0x6c82 5x
on ZK Ⓤ
Jun 26
0x6c82 222x
on Based issue #6 -Chad & Boshi' - Down The Drain Ⓤ
Jun 10
0x6c82 111x
on Based Issue #5 - Smart Wallet Showdown Ⓤ
come on Billy! :D
Jun 02
0x6c82 222x
on Based Issue #4 - The Summit Summon Ⓤ
BASED!!! :)
May 21
0x6c82 12x
on Based PUMP Ⓤ
lets do this 1k!
May 21
0x6c82 333x
on Based PUMP Ⓤ
333 ---> just for you billy:) come on !
May 15
0x6c82 111x
on Based issue #2 - Chad, Michael and Schiff Ⓤ
here a little one Billy:D
May 14
0x6c82 52x
on Based issue #1 -Carlo & The Airdrop Cult Ⓤ
Ok Billy :) i need bridge eth for more stop it! :D let's finish it with 200 :D we can be 1 together:)
May 14
0x6c82 11x
on Based issue #1 -Carlo & The Airdrop Cult Ⓤ
a litle bit more for Billy:D
May 14
0x6c82 122x
on Based issue #1 -Carlo & The Airdrop Cult Ⓤ
Most nft minter is here:)