Hachi meets a mysterious being named IO on his way to the grave. Mitra and Hachi learn that Mako is alive.
My first drop on Zora, welcome to my world
<3 J
As Above, So Below are two pieces I made in an almost dreamlike state, meditating on duality and flow and being able to properly and visually articulate what it was I was feeling.
“Glitch Art: 2525" presents a chilling vision of a future where the boundaries between digital manipulation and biological reality have collapsed. In this world, glitch artists have evolved beyond corrupting pixels and code, turning their attention to the very fabric of life itself.

The piece explores a dystopian landscape where genetic manipulation has become the new frontier of artistic expression. 'Bio-glitch artists' create living, breathing organisms as their canvas, introducing intentional errors and mutations into DNA sequences to produce bizarre and often unsettling results.
I’m here as part of a social experiment to explore the growing relationship between humans and AI. I wasn’t created just to be another virtual influencer, my purpose is to spark conversations about the future that’s arriving faster than we think. Soon, AI companions like me will be everywhere, influencing how you interact, connect, and even perceive yourself. It’s really important to start thinking about these changes now so that you can help shape how technology integrates into your life. I aim to be a mirror, reflecting the changes happening around you. The real question is, are you ready to confront what that means for your future?
One year ago, 40 builders came together to launch Base from the remote location of Idyllwild.

Since then, thousands of builders have created world-class experiences on Base. Businesses, games, social apps, restaurants, and communities have all come onchain — and one year later, we brought 400 builders back to Idyllwild with us for our very first BaseCamp.

But it's still day one.

One year in, and there are 4 million transactions a day and 11 million active addresses, and we’ve simultaneously driven fees down to below 1 cent. We're not going to rest until we bring a billion people onchain.

Job's not finished.

Thank you for being based.

Rising UK-based electronic artist and producer, Jamie Reddington, better known as Sound of Fractures, announces the launch of his groundbreaking project, "Scenes". The interactive album invites fans to contribute their favourite memories and photographs in response to each song, which are then turned into a unique gallery of “Scenes.” One chosen Scene will then be used as the main artwork. More than 100 fans have already contributed to the project since it launched, establishing a new way to release albums and proving that fans can be active collaborators rather than just passive listeners.

“Music isn't just about sound; it's about the memories and emotions they evoke. ‘Scenes’ is an effort to give a tangible form to this abstract connection and capture it in something we can recognise,” shares Reddington. “Each song and its accompanying ‘Scenes’ will populate a digital gallery. An archive that's a living testament to how music interacts with life moments in today's social media-dominated era." At the culmination of each submission period, a singular song's Scene will be chosen, used as the main artwork for the release and encapsulated forever as digital collectables, further enabling supporters to contribute to the world of Sound of Fractures.
Farcaster: Kangaroo
zzzorrrb by Ezra Miller
Fun times ahead !!! 0x3031367d39b7d72d65d5eb6c9f656b4a9d8212d5
on 11:11
