I walked paths that deserved to remember that I was there, that I felt like I belonged and in a way I wanted people to remember me, not as a shocking, allegorical figure, but rather a common and living image. I often feel that for us, black trans women, to be safe we need to know a lot of people, we need to be in the spotlight to have a minimum of security and legitimacy as citizens.
I want to delve deeper into this dialogue with my existence and corporeality, demarcating body and territory.
12/12/2024 00:06
Xmas gift
FREE 💚❤️💚❤️
"Bom dia amor" series 2024
Bom dia amor - princezinhadapaz
I ❤️ S.E.E.D
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notes from my diary ✨ painting bg
2024 - gouache on canson paper
bg came to me, maybe he is married or maybe he just wants to have fun, like a dalmatian or like a person who doesn't really know what he wants
notes from my diary, memories of the future ✨ painting bg 2
I want to delve deeper into this dialogue with my existence and corporeality, demarcating body and territory.