✎ 0 22 12 NEW COMMENTS
on Day 09
Right on time... ooo a game!!!
on Day 08
Oh yea CAPSTILLER is Back on TIME!!! .... Hurry up and wait................................................................ Loading...
on Day 07
My human... I can only do so much. CAPSTILLER is back on time.
on Day 06
CAPSTILLERs human is dancing to a soundtrack from someone who reminds him of this record player.
on Day 05
Why does it feel like my ears are vibrating?
on Day 04
Ok ok, CAP made it, I'm here.
on Day 02
111 $Enjoy
on Day 02
1234 $enjoy
on Day 03
ok ok back to being on time.
on Day 02
CAPSTILLER late again
on Day 03
Crank It Up
on Day 01
Crank It Up
on Day 02
Crank It Up
on Day 01
CAPSTILLER is minting #2!!!!
Early this time!!
CAPSTILLER as always late to grab.
Breaking News! Based Fellas
