In the dark corner of the cosmos, a mysterious stone named Stellar Stones traverses dimensional boundaries, now trapped in the NOIR ZONE. There, the future and the past collide to unlocking hidden secrets between dimensions and realities. Welcome to the NOIR ZONE, where the past and the future converge in eternal darkness.
About Artwork:
This artwork is created from a previous piece called Stellarstone. Subsequently, its colors, shapes, and style were refined using photo editing software. The style was adjusted to NOIR black and white, and vintage and grunge elements were added to give it a more imperfect and natural appearance. Furthermore, it was animated using video editing software with a simple stereoscopic style that includes optic manipulation effects to make the objects appear lively and realistic.
WWW B (6)
Noir Zone - Wild Wire A 005
Noir Zone - Ensamble 03
Stellarium - Imagine the Greasy Zorb
Stellarium - Imagine the Greasy Zorb
1111 $enjoy
Stellarium 01
1on1 - Noir Zone - Zora (77)
1on1 - Noir Zone - Zora (165)
In the dark corner of the cosmos, a mysterious stone named Stellar Stones traverses dimensional boundaries, now trapped in the NOIR ZONE. There, the future and the past collide to unlocking hidden secrets between dimensions and realities. Welcome to the NOIR ZONE, where the past and the future converge in eternal darkness.
About Artwork:
This artwork is created from a previous piece called Stellarstone. Subsequently, its colors, shapes, and style were refined using photo editing software. The style was adjusted to NOIR black and white, and vintage and grunge elements were added to give it a more imperfect and natural appearance. Furthermore, it was animated using video editing software with a simple stereoscopic style that includes optic manipulation effects to make the objects appear lively and realistic.
Zora Stellar stones AI 46 (3)
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Zora Stellarstones 001
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