“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” -Henry David Thoreau
A wise person smiled, and asked: “Do you know the difference between being kind and being unkind?”
I said no.
They replied: “One is free. The other is very expensive.”
It is not always incentivized or easy, but kindness is a choice in every moment. It costs nothing, and it unlocks the goodness of life as you seek to live it with others.
The concept of cost reminds us that relationships are not transactions designed to be completed. They are dynamic, evolving, and require work. But their potential—so long as they last—is limitless.
Beyond the metaphor, currency is a medium at its core—like language: a tool for making meaning; for facilitating relationship and transformation; but often we make it a proxy. It becomes a finger pointing to the moon and we miss all the heavenly glory.
Inside, I think we understand this, but the wise person’s words moved me to see it another way—that truly wealthy people make kindness their currency.
And so, for our cryptocurrency community, especially, it seemed important to share.
I no longer think that hashtags matter, but I believe in the message more than ever.
May it be as real in your life as it’s been in mine, and may you be wealthier for it.
Perfectly timed gift
Truly wealthy people make kindness their currency
-Henry David Thoreau
A wise person smiled, and asked: “Do you know the difference between being kind and being unkind?”
I said no.
They replied: “One is free. The other is very expensive.”
It is not always incentivized or easy, but kindness is a choice in every moment. It costs nothing, and it unlocks the goodness of life as you seek to live it with others.
The concept of cost reminds us that relationships are not transactions designed to be completed. They are dynamic, evolving, and require work. But their potential—so long as they last—is limitless.
Beyond the metaphor, currency is a medium at its core—like language: a tool for making meaning; for facilitating relationship and transformation; but often we make it a proxy. It becomes a finger pointing to the moon and we miss all the heavenly glory.
Inside, I think we understand this, but the wise person’s words moved me to see it another way—that truly wealthy people make kindness their currency.
And so, for our cryptocurrency community, especially, it seemed important to share.
I no longer think that hashtags matter, but I believe in the message more than ever.
May it be as real in your life as it’s been in mine, and may you be wealthier for it.